Benefice of Boldre & South Baddesley

 St John's Boldre
 St Mary's South Baddesley

St John's

St John’s church, Boldre, is one of the most beautiful churches in the New Forest and perhaps the oldest. It's an oasis of  tranquillity and peace for people who come here, to worship, for their life's rites of passage, or simply to spend a little time with God and the past worshippers here, famous and not-so-famous.

The worship in St John’s St John's Boldreis traditional and contemporary Anglican liturgy, led by a choir. You'll find Choral Matins still offered here, with Choral Evensong once a month, and a Common Worship Eucharist (Holy Communion) twice a month. It has a friendly, supportive congregation whose members do really care for one another, and who are always pleased to welcome others who come from time to time, often from a distance. If you enjoy singing, why not join the choir? 

Refreshments are always served after the Sunday services. 

Christianity is not a risk-free, safety zone; mean-spirited, narrow-minded and self-serving. It puts the first last, the last first. It declares the poor blessed, shoves and squeezes the wealthy through
the eye of a needle, turns the other cheek, walks the second mile and forgives not
once or, twice, three times or seven times, but seventy times seven. It declares
crucifixion a victory, bad Friday becomes Good Friday, death life, the impossible
possible. it is simple and free - and will cost you everything. The foolish learn wisdom, and love is discovered to be the ultimate virtue, life’s only raison d’etre

Video by kind permission of Nick Swann

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